Abernethy Agricultural Society Scholarship
*NEW in 2024: a second scholarship has been developed with a focus on community involvement. This is in addition to the original scholarship which is available to a student entering an agriculture related program. Two $500 annual scholarships are sponsored by the Abernethy Agricultural Society. Available to Grade 12 graduates of Balcarres and North Valley High Schools. AGRICULTURE FOCUSED SCHOLARSHIP Requirements: - Admission to any agricultural related University or College course. - Please include a transcript of marks. - Three letters of support must be attached to the application (no more than two letters of reference from teachers) - Application must be made to the Abernethy Agricultural Society Secretary no later than May 1, 2024. The application form for the 2024 Abernethy Agricultural Society Scholarship can be found here. Please email applications to [email protected] . COMMUNITY FOCUSED SCHOLARSHIP Applicant Requirements - Admission to any Post-Secondary University, College or Technical Course - Applicant must include Transcript of marks - Three (3) letters of support must be attached to the application (no more than two (2) letters of reference from teachers) - One page resume highlighting: high school work and community activity involvement, personal contribution to those activities including leadership roles, and awards and recognitions you have received - Application must be made to the Abernethy Agricultural Society Secretary by May 15, 2024 The application form for the community focused scholarship can be found here. Please email applications to [email protected] . Scholarship Contact Person: Megan Bennett - 306-333-9996 SAASE/Clark & Anne Lewis
West Coast Amusements Bert & Grace Dalgleish Memorial Scholarships The Abernethy Agricultural Society can nominate one Grade 12 student for the SAASE/Clark & Anne Lewis /West Coast Amusements Bert & Grace Dalgleish Memorial Scholarships.
Two—$1500 scholarships will be awarded Two—$1000 scholarships will be awarded Applicants must: Be residents of Saskatchewan. Be planning to attend one of three post secondary education institutions in Saskatchewan: University of Saskatchewan; University of Regina; or SIAST. Be going into their first year of post-secondary education. Complete their first year. Be nominated by an Agricultural Society Applicants will be scored by SAASE in the following areas: How complete the application form is filled out. Future plans of the applicant. Extra-curricular involvement at school. Community involvement. Letters of endorsement and their recommendation from their Agricultural Society. Applicants submit their application to the Abernethy Agricultural Society. One candidate will be chosen by the Abernethy Agricultural Society Scholarship Committee from all applications received. The successful applicant will be notified by the AAS at which time the successful applicant would then apply online for the SAASE scholarship and attach their letters of endorsement and letter of recommendation from the Abernethy Agricultural Society. SAASE Scholarship Recipients, Nominated by AAS
2020: Aiden Lingelbach
Full details can be found here https://saase.ca/uploads/files/2020-Scholarship.pdf |
AAS Agriculture-Focused Scholarship Past Recipients:
2024 - No Recipient 2023 - Jenay Hyndman - Balcarres, SK 2022 - Gracie Lingelbach - Abernethy, SK - Jana Stoll - Neudorf, SK 2021 - No Recipient 2020 - Paige Ruecker - Abernethy, SK 2019 - Jillian Lubachowski AAS Community-Focused Scholarship Past Recipients: 2024 - Lilly Stoll, North Valley High School 2024 Recipient of the AAS Community Focused Scholarship: Lilly Stoll
2023 recipient: Jenay Hyndman
2022 recipient (1 of 2): Gracie Lingelbach
2020 recipient: Paige Ruecker